VITAL-First Response™

VerdaSee recognizes the unique challenges associated with those who serve as First Responders to crisis situations and mass casualty events.  Its solutions are designed to address the plethora of issues that surround a successful First Response initiative.

VerdaSee also recognizes the importance of providing accurate, real-time information that is accessible to all of the relevant parties

  • From the First Responders to the Incident Commanders
  • From those who are in the chain of triaging victims to the Healthcare professionals that provide post-triage care
  • To any relevant government or NGO organizations that require agency communication
  • To the family reunification associated with victims

Other logistics and data analytics are also critical during pre-incident, active-incident, and post-incident phases.  These include the tracking of apparatus, assets and supplies so that each element is properly staged, properly deployed, and properly accounted for to assure optimal response in the protection and preservation of human life as well as the identification of acute care facilities and resources to allow the optimal treatment of those needing medical assistance.